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Indications and Important Safety Information
Indications: Hyalgan® and Hymovis® are indicated for the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conservative non-pharmacologic therapy and to simple analgesics (e.g. acetaminophen).
Important Safety Information: Hyalgan® and Hymovis® are contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to hyaluronate preparations or gram positive bacterial proteins (Hymovis® only) or patients with infections/skin diseases in the area of the injection site/joint. The safety and effectiveness of Hymovis® has not been tested in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children. See package insert for full prescribing information including adverse events, warnings, precautions, and side effects at www.Hyalgan.com and www.Hymovis.com. Rx Only
HYALGAN® is indicated for the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conservative nonpharmacologic therapy and to simple analgesics, eg, acetaminophen.
Important Safety Information
HYALGAN is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to hyaluronate preparations or in cases of present infections or skin diseases in the area of the injection site. Use caution when injecting HYALGAN into patients who are allergic to avian proteins, feathers, and egg products.
The safety and effectiveness of HYALGAN has not been established in children or in pregnant or lactating women, for use in other joints or for concomitant use with other injectables. It is unknown whether HYALGAN® is excreted in human milk. The effectiveness of a single treatment cycle of less than 3 injections has not been established.
Transient increases in inflammation in the injected knee following HYALGAN injection have been reported in some patients with inflammatory arthritis and should not be injected if objective signs of inflammation are present. Transient pain and/or swelling of the injected joint may occur after intra-articular injection of HYALGAN®. Anaphylactoid and allergic reactions have been reported with the use of this product.
In the US clinical trial, adverse events included injection-site pain, gastrointestinal complaints, headache, local ecchymosis (bruising) and rash, local joint pain and swelling, and local pruritus (itching). In other clinical studies, the frequency and severity of adverse events occurring during repeat treatment cycles did not increase over that reported for a treatment cycle.
RX Only.
See the package insert section of this website for full prescribing information.
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